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Open by Appointment Tues - Sat 11AM - 5PM | studio@eradesign.ca
More unique vintage finds online soon!

More unique vintage finds online soon!

Have you or your partner ever wanted to own a truly unique piece of jewellery? Something with history, something lovingly crafted and glowing with the kind of rich patina the march of time can only impart. Well, you're in luck! At Era Design, we've made it easy for you.

We've been busy photographing, and next week we are listing several of our personal favourites from the estate case. Christmas is coming, and let's face it, nothing says 'you're unique, and I love you without' end more than one of these vintage treasure: lockets, pendants, bracelets and more.

We've made it easy for you. All you need to do is put one of these in your cart and go through the checkout. We'll gift wrap it, ship it and BINGO! You can cross a very special (and lucky) person of your shopping list. The best thing is, you're sure to be the one putting the nicest gift under the tree this year!

Without further delay, a preview...



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