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Open by Appointment Tues - Sat 11AM - 5PM | studio@eradesign.ca
Unique Engagement Rings | Era Design Vancouver Canada

Spring Ring Cleaning in 4 Simple Steps!

Items you will need:  soft bristle toothbrush - dish soap - warm water

1. Mix together warm water and dish soap in a cup.
2. Dip your soft bristle toothbrush (this can be an old toothbrush you have lying around!) into the warm water and brush your ring in circular motions - including underneath the stone if needed. This will not scratch or damage the stone. 
3. Rinse your ring with water to wash off the soap.
4. Set aside to dry - It's that easy!

Ring Cleaning | Era Design Vancouver Canada
** If you're uncertain about doing it yourself, we offer free cleaning and polishing on Era Design pieces at our storefront, so give us a call or book an appointment on our website! **
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Heather - May 26, 2022

I love this information! And I am not sure where to write about the ring I would like to make, but I would love to have a blue sapphire (square) surrounded by diamonds in white gold. My mom gave me the first ring she ever bought in the early 50’s which is similar but so dainty (and an oval) that I am scared to wear it. Fighting cancer right now I miss her so much. It would be a beautiful reminder of her.

Lisa Reid - May 26, 2022

This is great. My jewelry gets so dingly from all the hand washing.

Heather - May 26, 2022

Love this advice….thank you!

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